Pretty much finding different guys with different personalities and doing all the cliche things people tell us to do when we like someone and documenting the results. Here is a list of the subjects:
1: The overachiever, money hungry, business metro man (read: think he is gay...maybe?? maybe not?? I mean he is loaded who cares if he is gay)
2: The computer geek; stable, mellow, likes to play video games man (read: won't cheat and probably knows how to build a new deck on your house)

3: The hipster artsy, rebellious, free spirited, significantly damaged man (read: everyone loves them and will do whatever they want when they want dammit!)

4: The insecure, emotionally damaged, family issues and still in love with their first girlfriend man (read: "I can fix him" because I need to be needed....oh and he likes to cuddle while watching movies)

5: The local celebrity, slut, cheating entertainer man (read: women only like him because he is emotionally unavailable and sexually available)
...let's see how each of them stood up to my experiment....
To be continued....
<3 AGG2Eat
Good Luck! I've encountered all of those in my dating life except for the hipster and the local celebrity. Dating in this day and age feels like a mine field and I feel ill equipped to disable anything.
oh my gosh.
nail on the head.
i dumped him three days ago. sigh.
Hahaha This post is great. I know all too well, both #2 and #4.
i always seem to gravitate towards type 3&4!! tsk. good luck with your lil experiment.
As much as I fucking hate hipsters... my current boyfriend would have to go in that category... which pisses me off.
His cute butt and creativity in bed makes up for it, so it's all good. Although, I would totally want a computer geek to talk nerdy to me. hot...
Where did you go? I loved following your blog! Hope you bring it back soon :)
Think you got all type on this post...
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